Título [A] A tribo das baleas: An anthology of the latest Galician poetry
Autoras/es Nome   VV. AA.
Traducións  [A] A tribo das baleas. Poetas de arestora. Anthology of latest Galician poetry
Xénero  LIT_Poesía
Lingua  Galego - glg
Ano  2001
Edición  bilingüe
Formato, volume, fascículo, número, páxinas  Encadernación rústica, 21x13 cm, 240 p.
Obra completa, Antoloxía  Antoloxía.
Ana Romaní, And with a word; They walk barefoot on the rocks; Ours might have been time and desire; Twelve meters of ocean clear out; He is I; Antón Lopo, An expert; Xelmírez; Having a soul means nothing; Suárez Picallo; Blue; (1961-1995); (1965-1996); Chus Pato, What will be my name then; My mother's name; Being able to say; Was that Paradise; Because what I looked for in my childhood; Miro Villar, It happened on the Lobeiras Islands; Those who don't love; H; Adam wishes to die in Eve's Paradise; My shoes; Negation of Ulisses and Theseus; Fran Alonso, There is no more butane, love; There are terrible moments when all; Take B He has heart trouble; Take A My husband; Take A From the boat it's the first thing one sees; Take B The patients are softened in corridors of fire; Xabier Cordal, Once again he renounced to the tower; Posthumous homage to the bard of lost landscapes; In the country of the West; It's a gaze that razes the beauty; Aphasia; When she looks at her fingers, the girl; Rafa Villar, Of the earth we made a bed; Perhaps nonexistent we go; With the final word, the last one; Out of all the houses; From home to the street; House of glass; Weaving like the spider weaves; Here a poem; Helena de Carlos, Soul; Butera; House on high; Entrimo; Devil of Armeses; Estevo Creus, I, and not you; Today we will smoke opium on the stairs; And after I kill the whale; That's why I had to kill you; Today I tied your arms and your legs; I dream about losing a leg; Olga Novo, Grassy; May you enter the witches sabbath wet; Like a mare; Indigenous; To trot; Anxos Romeo, The marine crow tied; You are identical, brutal darkened ferns; On moon days I chew serpents and giant cobras; The hierophants learn to rediscover and lie; I need resemblance with the eyes caressed by rain; Emma Couceiro, The doorkeepers; I am thinking about them; Midnight body (II); For a word is only a word; Whose she-andro; Retrace the veins for your blood and your desert; María do Cebreiro, I cook constantly to throw the raw food; On the insular Britain virgins do not know; Balteira was dragging a briefcase; Sometimes my mother invokes xohana torres; Memory is the space of reappropriation.
Tipo de edición  1ª edición
ISBN  84-8302-602-3
Lugar de edición: editora, colección   Vigo: Edicións Xerais, Col. Ablativo Absoluto, nº 21
Localización e signatura  
Fonte  ISBN
Soporte  Papel
Introdución e notas  Editora: Helena González Fernández
Textos críticos  
Observacións  Edición bilingüe galego-inglés