Título To visit me the Sea. Galician Poetry 1930-1996
Autoras/es Nome  Jack Hill
Publicacións  [To visit me the Sea. Galician Poetry 1930-1996]
Xénero  LIT_Poesía
Lingua  Inglés (Reino Unido) - en GB
Direccionalidade  Directa
Ano  2000
Edición  monolingüe
Formato, volume, fascículo, número, páxinas  245 p.
Obra completa, Antoloxía  Antoloxía. Contén: Luís Pimentel, Galicia; Poetry is the great miracle of the world; To Rosalía; To Rosalía again; Ditches; Song to keep a baby awake; Poor girl's waltz; The children; A poor little boy's burial; A vile game; Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño, I want to hear your silence; Luís Seoane, The miniature painter; The naked queen; That old woman and the crows; Ricardo Carvalho Calero, It was a town by a river; And if you were to come; Álvaro Cunqueiro, The recognition of Harold Godwinson; Celso Emilio Ferreiro, A long night of stone; Monologue of an old workman; Hunger; Goethe; Incomplete ballad; Eduardo Moreiras, Little history of a little girl; My inherited land; Xosé María Díaz Castro, Aye, captain; Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez, Cart; Child; Miguel González Garcés, It's old, the cherry tree; Perhaps it might be my father shooting now; The ship of high trees over the scent of the sea; The step of light sounds on the slow river; Ria, camellia, blackbird, happy light, peace; Albertiño, Alberte, Don Alberte…; Lorenzo Varela, The oxen; To Ruy Xordo; Pura Vázquez, Six year old shepherd boy; Second island; To rub. To feel. To touch the burning rock; Fountain of life. And the light which warms me; Antón Tovar, I; It is not for you; When I die; To love you forever; Gee-up - whoaaa; Oh God, God, Father, terrifying, hard; Luz Pozo Garza, Now we contemplate the sea of Vigo; The idea of a dark city; Offered petals; The Cies islands; I was a little girl who listened in the night; Manuel María, Terra Chá; Edict; I accuse the middle class; Uxío Novoneyra, Wolf haunts; White cloths; High lonely lands; Bernardino Graña, The cat in the sailors' pub; Sea; My happy destiny; The end; If I die; I see neither Vigo nor Cangas; Lip-grapes; Manuel Álvarez Torneiro, A bunch of zinnias; Forever; House of the days; Antón Avilés de Taramancos, The art of making a sailor's wooden clog; On the other side of the bay they are building a ship; I love the mineral entrails of my country; In the longest stretch of land; Nemo; Orison and comfort; Comfort; Antiphon; Salvador García-Bodaño, Those musical mornings; Compostela is a long street; Homage to Celso Emilio Ferreiro; Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín, No one; Roi Xordo - the deaf king; In Compostela a man can; You are as if fallen; Island; Horses; María Xosé Queizán, Words as flux; White page; To draw the thread; No longer valid; Xosé María Álvarez Cáccamo, We must still speak of the house by the sea; I inhabit the ruins of cloistered towers; Three ways to kill sadness; Ramiro Fonte, Before your wandering; Manuel Rivas, Ballad of the beaches of the west; Line of shadow; Celebrated personalities; Black earth; Dakar; The round-the-world voyage of Joshua Slocum; Atlantic Avenue; Miguel Anxo Fernán-Vello, Twilight poem; Chronicle; Northward bound; Snow on the horizon; Luisa Castro, I divide the world by two.
Tipo de edición  1ª edición
ISBN  0950845817; 978-0950845814
Lugar de edición: editora, colección  Colchester: University of Essex. Hamlet Press
Localización e signatura  
Fonte  Catálogo do Consello da Cultura Galega
Soporte  papel
Introdución e notas  Edición de Jack Hill
Textos críticos  - E. Mouzo, “Publican el primer libro de poesía gallega en lengua inglesa” La Voz de Galicia, “Cultura”, 6 decembro 2000, p. 30.
Observacións  ÁLVAREZ CÁCCAMO, Xosé María: “We must still speak of the house by the sea...”, (“Hai que falar aínda da casa fronte ó mar…”) de Luminoso lugar de abatimento; “I inhabit the ruins of cloistered towers”, (“Vivo no pardiñeiro das torres clausuradas”) de Luminoso lugar de abatimento; ): “Three ways to kill sadness”, (“Tres instrumentos para matar a tristeza”), de Cimo das idades tristes;