Título Mathilda
Autoras/es Nome  Mary Shelley
Traducións  Mathilda
Xénero  LIT_Narrativa_Novela
Lingua  Inglés (Reino Unido) - en GB
Ano  1959
Edición  monolingüe
Formato, volume, fascículo, número, páxinas  24 cm, 104 p.
Obra completa, Antoloxía  Obra completa
Tipo de edición  1ª edición
ISBN  s. n.
Lugar de edición: editora, colección   Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press
Localización e signatura  
Fonte  BL
Soporte  Papel
Introdución e notas  
Textos críticos  
Observacións  A obra foi escrita en 1819 pero publicouse por primeira vez en 1959, editada por Elizabeth Nitchie.

Posteriormente houbo outras publicacións levadas a cabo por outros editores, tal como explica un deles na páxina web do Shelley-Godwin Archive: «Mathilda’s publication history—or lack thereof—from the time that Shelley completed the fair-copy of the manuscript in 1820 to its publication in 1959 is itself an extraordinary tale. Given the great fame of its author, one might expect a single, standard edition of Mathilda, but this is not the case because Shelley herself did not see her second completed novella into publication. As such, Shelley never had the opportunity to work with a publisher or editor on clearing up the numerous issues that the manuscript raises, many of which subsequent editions silently elide in favour of a clean and readable text. Important editorial decisions about the manuscript have been left to us, the three latter-day transcribers and editors of Shelley’s fair-copy manuscript of Mathilda in the Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford, catalogued as MS Abinger d. 33. Dept d. 374/1: Elizabeth Nitchie, who first transcribed the text for publication by consulting Duke University’s microfilm of the manuscript; Pamela Clemit, who transcribed it from the manuscript in the Bodleian for a 1996 Pickering & Chatto set of Shelley’s works; and me in my work on the same physical manuscript for the 2017 Broadview Press edition of Mathilda. (The other widely available editions of Mathilda, such as the Penguin and Oxford editions, were created from Nitchie’s transcription.)» (Faubert, Michelle. "Introduction to Transcription of Mathilda for the Shelley-Godwin Archive", en liña: (Data de consulta: 24/05/24).