Título Handbook for nonviolent campaigns
Autoras/es Nome   VV. AA.
Traducións  Manual para campañas non-violentas
Xénero  NON-FIC_Ensaio
Lingua  Inglés - en
Ano  2009
Edición  monolingüe
Formato, volume, fascículo, número, páxinas  21 cm., il., 152 p.
Obra completa, Antoloxía  Obra completa
Tipo de edición  s. ed.
ISBN  9780903517218
Lugar de edición: editora, colección   London: War Resisters' International
Localización e signatura  BL
Fonte  BL
Soporte  Papel
Introdución e notas  
Textos críticos  
Observacións  Authors & Editors: Andrew Dey, Javier Garate, Subhash Kattel, Christine Schweitzer, and Joanne Sheehan.
From the War Resisters' International website: "This handbook has been a collaborative effort of people working in nonviolence within the WRI [ War Resisters' International] network from Australia, Belgium, Britain, Colombia, Chile, Germany, Italy, Israel, South Korea, Scandinavia, Spain, Turkey, and the USA"

Updated second edition in 2014: "The War Resisters' International's 'Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns' is a 232 page toolbox of ideas and resources to support activists to run more effective campaigns. The original edition, published in 2009, was translated into over ten languages, including Spanish, German, Nepalese, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Korean, and Arabic, and has been used by activists all over the world. The 2014 edition added 50 pages." (From: [22/03/24])

Further info:
- "The Handbook is split into 5 main sections, with 50 additional pages in the 2nd edition (2014):
Introduction to nonviolence - including “The Pragmatic dimensions of active nonviolence”, “Gender and nonviolence”, and “Nonviolence and power”
Developing strategic campaigns - including “Why things don't 'just happen'”, “Theories of change”, “Stages of escalation in a nonviolent campaign”
Organising effective nonviolent action - including dealing with fear, coping with the stress and strain of taking a stand, an activism in oppression regimes.
Case studies: stories and experiences – 15 stories from around the world
Training & exercises - over 20 with clear instructions for facilitators.
There is also a glossary, a DIY section and an extensive list of other resources." (From: [22/03/24])
- "In 2014, we published the second edition of our Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns, a book designed to support activists and movements around the world in the social change work. The Handbook includes contributions from thirty activists from around the world, and includes sections on strategic campaigning, movement building, effective nonviolent actions, media strategies, building sustainable and empowering groups, a wide range of case studies and experiences, and detailed advice on delivering nonviolence training. Over it's two editions, the Handbook has been translated into twelve languages and has been read by thousands of activists all over the world." (From: [22/03/24])